
Day Eighteen

Morro clawed his way out of the Caves of Despair and dragged himself to the monastery, as if Wu would take him back, as if the ninja wouldn't execute his newly-animated body on the spot. There was no other outcome.

And Wu embraced him, said he would always have a place with him. The ninja didn't like him, but they tolerated him, and Morro accepted the food and clothes and shelter and the new chance at life. It was unreal, an impossible fantasy, a happy ending he didn't deserve–and it was happening.

One day, he lost control of his powers.

A simple jump to the roof went awry when the gust he summoned was far, far stronger than he needed. Instead of the wind carrying him to the roof, it launched Morro high into the air and off the side of the mountain, flailing and screaming as he fell. His element wouldn't respond to his command, indifferent to his fate.

Pixal caught him in her mech before he hit the ground. "What happened?" she asked while he clung to her. Morro didn't have an answer.

When the rest of the ninja returned, they were arguing. Nya stormed off and shut herself in her room. "What's with her?" Morro commented, unable to summon sympathy.

"Her powers went haywire," Cole said, just before Jay elbowed him and hissed not to say it.

"That's odd," said Pixal, ignoring Morro's glare. "Morro lost control today as well."

"No I didn't," he snapped.

Pixal was indifferent. "So you nearly fell to your death on purpose?"

Despite his protests, Wu did research, and it turned out that the elements of both water and wind were linked to some nonsense at the bottom of the ocean. Morro point-blank refused to go down there with them, and then discovered he wasn't invited. "Fine!" he snapped. "Whatever!"

Wu frowned at him. "I did not think you would want to join them," he said. "With your fear of water–"

"It's fine!" Morro said loudly, and shut himself in his room.

A windstorm hit them that night. The monastery was built to handle worse, but the walls still shook. Morro buried his face in the bed and tried not to listen to the wind howling.

It was, obviously, the other shoe dropping. He didn't deserve a happy ending, so he wouldn't get one. He would ruin the lives of everyone around him if he stayed.

So he left. He had survived on his own before, he could do it again. He just couldn't go in the Caves of Despair again, he thought bitterly, and headed to Ninjago City.

The ninja all had conflicting theories on what happened to him, but Wu's made more sense than the others: whatever force brought Morro back from the dead was linked to Wojira and Kalmaar's attempts to wake her. When the city was flooded, Morro hadn't found high ground, but when Wojira was defeated, he woke up again, vomiting seawater and gasping.

He stayed in the city for a few days before going back to the monastery.

Again, Wu embraced him. "I was so worried," his old master said, his voice shaking. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Morro said. "Where are your students?"

Wu didn't answer. He also didn't let go.

Morro shoved him away. "What happened?" he demanded.

People like him didn't get what they wanted. People like him didn't deserve to be resurrected twice over, didn't deserve to still have a home and a father who loved him after everything he did.

Nya was the one who deserved to have a happy ending, and fate, in all its cruelty, had decided she didn't get one.

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