
Day Seventeen

Before he changed his name several times over, his mother named him after a flower. The memory hit him full force when he and Nya uncovered an old scroll; handwritten, almost damaged beyond legibility, but with his mother's name listed as a descendant of the Wind bloodline.

"Wow," Nya said softly, her eyes running over the names. "All of these people…"

Morro swallowed the lump in his throat. None of the three generations of elemental masters before him lived very long. His mother didn't make it to thirty, and the name below hers–

"Huh." Nya squinted at the scroll. "Did you have a sister?"

"That was me," Morro said.

"Oh!" said Nya, and fell silent.

He read his mother's name again. Rosenda de Maíz. Morro carefully rolled up the scroll and handed it back to Wu. "Thank you," he said quietly, and went incorporeal, fleeing through the walls of the monastery.

Nya found him again on the roof. She saw him from the ground the others were searching, then told Wu they should look somewhere else. A few minutes later, she climbed up and sat next to him.

"Hey," she said.

Morro hugged his knees and stayed quiet.

"What's going on?"

"It's stupid," he said. "I don't remember my parents, and they're both dead now, so why does it matter?"

Nya nodded. "I kinda thought it was that I saw your–"

"I don't care that you know my old name," Morro interrupted. "That doesn't matter. You already knew I was trans, right?"


Morro glanced at her. "Lloyd didn't tell you?"

Nya snorted. "Lloyd had more important stuff to worry about. I didn't know until I asked about your old name."

He looked away. "It doesn't mean anything. But–"

He cut himself off with a hiss. He could almost feel Nya's knowing smirk. "But…?"

"It meant something to my mom, okay?" he snapped. "She chose a name too close to her own for it to not mean something. She named me after herself and then I ran away and changed it fifty times, and now she's dead and I don't remember anything about her."

It wasn't strictly true. He remembered soft hands rubbing the dirt off his face, arms wrapped around him and whispering words to soothe him. She died young, which mean she had him young, too. Morro glanced at Nya again and realized her face was solemn, not teasing.

"Yeah," Nya said, "yeah. I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Just I'm sorry you're hurting, I guess? Just like, in sympathy." Nya put a hand on his shoulder. Morro let her. "Look, I can't fix this, but you need to come back inside. Wu's freaking out 'cause it's gonna rain soon."


Wu told him the scroll had been found in Hiroshi's Labyrinth. He also mentioned that there could be living relatives. Morro locked himself in his room for days.

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