
Day Ten

He heard the crunch before the pain hit. Morro gasped and jerked back, which sent a new wave of pain through his hand as it came free. Cradling his arm, he noted that his fingers weren't moving the way he wanted them to, which was bad, probably. He swore and took a shaky step away from the training equipment.

Nya caught him when he fell backwards. "Morro! What happened?"

The only thing Morro could say was, "Ow."

She put an arm around him. He had to lean on her for support while they walked towards the monastery. He would be embarrassed, but his hand hurt too much to think.

Wu met them at the door. "Morro! Let me see it."

Morro grimaced and extended his mangled hand to his former master. Wu inhaled sharply at the sight. "Come with me," he said. "Misako, we need healing tea!"

Nya explained what she saw to the others while Morro's hand was treated: he was training with her, she looked away for one moment, and when she looked back, his hand had been caught in the equipment. Morro heard bits of the conversation while Wu set his bones back into place, and after that, the healing tea was ready.

"We're going to the hospital," Wu said.

Morro sputtered and put down the cup. "What?"

"Keep drinking, Morro."

"I don't need the hospital."

"Morro," Wu said, "I've done what I can, but if you don't get further treatment, you may not be able to use your hand again. It may never work the same regardless. You are going to the hospital."

Morro looked at his crushed hand. He couldn't argue with that.

Nya approached him while Wu set up the fastest vehicle they had. "I'm sorry," she said.

"For what?" said Morro.

"It was my idea to train with you. I didn't think…"

"This was my accident," Morro said. "You didn't do anything."

Nya shook her head. "I still feel bad. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you, okay?"

Morro wrinkled his nose. "I dunno, make sure Wu doesn't freak out too much?"

"Did you see his face? He's in full freak out, man, there's nothing I can do."

What she did do was visit him in the hospital with a selection of one-handed activities. Morro didn't care about the games or puzzles, but he was grateful to have someone to talk to during the long recovery.

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