
Day Three

"You need a haircut," Nya commented.

Morro glared at her. "I'll take care of it," he said.

"Well, duh. I'm not cutting it for you."

He rolled his eyes and resisted the urge to brush his bangs out of his eyes until she wasn't looking. Nya was, unfortunately, right. He hadn't cut his hair since getting resurrected, and it had grown longer than he liked it, nearly down to his chest. He would cut it that night.

Morro snatched a knife from the kitchen and locked himself in the bathroom after everyone had gone to sleep. Squinting at himself in the mirror, he grabbed fistfuls of his hair and hacked at it until he deemed it short enough.

Someone knocked at the door. He jumped and nearly sliced off his ear. "What?" he snapped.

"The hell are you doing in there?" Nya said. "I know for sure it's not taking a bath."

"I could be," Morro said dryly.

"Which is why there's no water running, right?" She laughed. "How long are you gonna take?"

Morro groaned and opened the door.

He meant to slip back to his room without speaking to her, but Nya grabbed his shoulder. "Holy shit, Morro," she said, "what did you do?"

"Cut my hair," he snapped, pulling away. "Goodnight, Water Ninja."

Nya snorted. "Oh my God, that looks so bad."

"It's shorter now, isn't it?"

"In some places, sure. I think you actually made it longer in others." Nya shook her head, grinning. "Get back in there, I'll fix it for you."

Morro paused. "What?"

"You heard me. I used to cut my hair all the time as a kid, I bet I can do better than this." She peeked around him into the bathroom. "You left hair everywhere! You're cleaning that up when we're done."

He frowned. "And I'm supposed to trust you to stand behind me with a knife?"

"Scissors, Morro. You used a knife?"

It was clear Morro had no idea how to cut his hair, and so, reluctantly, he sat in the bathroom with a towel draped around his neck. Nya ran a comb over his head, frowning every time it snagged. "This is going to be a while," she said. "Man, glad I don't have anything planned for tomorrow. You just want your normal style, right?"

"Yes," Morro said. Then, "Ow! Shit!" when Nya tugged the comb through a tangle.

"We've got to comb it out, first," she said. "Hold still."

Eventually, Nya deemed his hair neat enough to cut. Morro watched her in the mirror as she trimmed and chatted. "It's gonna be a little shorter than you like it," she said. "You messed it up real bad."

"It'll grow back," Morro said.

"Ha! Might take a while."

Compared to how long it took to comb, the actual cutting flew by in no time at all. "You're done," Nya said, taking a step back. "I did a pretty good job, I think."

Morro examined himself in the mirror, patting his hair gingerly as if it would disintegrate. He had never seen it so neat. "Acceptable," he said.

Nya snorted. "Great, 'cause I'm gonna be cleaning grease out of this comb for weeks." She tossed the scissors on the counter. "Make sure you clean up before bed, I'm gonna be pissed if the bathroom still looks like this in the morning."

She left without another word. Morro did a half-assed sweep of the bathroom and called it a night.

It turned out Nya only knew one haircut: the same style she had as a teenager. Kai teased Morro for days afterwards.

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