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Chapter Eight

Krux was at the bar about half an hour before it closed, as instructed. Mel nodded at him and continued serving the other patrons. Krux still didn't have money to spend, but he was at least heartened by Mel's promise of buying him a drink.

One by one, the patrons began to leave, until there were only a few people left, seated around one of the tables. Mel finished wiping down the counter, looked around, and went to lock the doors. "All clear," he said out loud.

"You sure?" a woman commented, glancing at Krux. He glanced right back. The woman was dressed in a man's suit, though tailored to accentuate her chest, and she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Yeah," Mel said. "This is Sander, he knew Donny."

The woman relaxed. "Right, okay." To Krux, she said, "Sorry to distrust, but, well, you know."

"Of course," Krux said, having no idea what she was referring to. "No harm done."

Mel went back behind the counter and picked up a handful. "Usual, Sable?"

The woman left the table and sat at the bar. "Sure, Mel. How you been?"

The others abandoned the table to sit up with her. Krux noticed one of the men approaching the seat next to him, but one stern look from Mel and he changed course to another seat. Huh, Krux thought to himself, glancing at Mel. What was that about?

Mel poured everyone their drinks and slid one over to Krux. "No need to thank me," he said when Krux opened his mouth. "Least I can do to welcome you, y'know?"

"Still," Krux said, "I appreciate it."

Mel moved out from behind the bar and around to where Krux sat. "I'd ask what brought you to this town," he said, taking the empty seat next to him, "but I know you're not one to open up so soon."

Krux cracked a smile. "True," he said. "May I ask the questions, then?"

"Of course."

"What brings you here?"

Mel laughed. "I own the bar, for one! You're gonna have to be more specific."

Krux took a sip of his drink. It was awfully sweet, and didn't taste very strong. For a moment, he was offended that Mel thought he couldn't hold his beer, but that was ridiculous; Mel didn't know him. "You said you knew Donny," he said. "Did he used to live here?"

"Ah," Mel said. "Nah, I used to live there. When he moved with his husband, the whole town took attention, y'know? Not many people would talk to them." He shrugged. "I did, though. Never met someone like Donny before. He really was one of the best."

"Wish I could say the same of his daughter," Krux said, and immediately regretted it.

"Don't take it personally." Mel propped his head up on his elbow. "Libber's had a rough life. She was in a pretty bad relationship, from what I heard. Only got out in the last two, three years, and she's grieving on top of it."

"It's hard not to be angry. I didn't exactly have anywhere else to go when she had me leave."

"Ah," said Mel. "Yeah, I'd be angry, too. Where are you staying now? If you don't mind me asking."

"A friend of a friend." Krux shrugged. "I suppose we've been living together long enough to be friends ourselves. He's nice enough."

"Anyone we'd know?"

"Doubtful. He was never interested in…"

Krux trailed off. He still didn't know what the purpose of this meeting was, other than Donny was involved. All he knew was that it was secret, possibly taboo, and Donny had been approached about a secret, taboo subject when Kun brought Acronix to him. Wu didn't seem to be interested in secrets, not in the same way.

Mel nodded. "I get it," he said. "Does he know about you?"

About being a twin? "Yes," said Krux. "He's been a great help."

"That's good. Least you can be friends, right?"

Krux tried more of his drink, then put it aside. "I'm going to need something stronger than this," he said.

"Ha! Thought so, but I didn't want to assume." Mel stood up and glanced at the rest of the bar. "Should probably do some refills, too. Be back in a minute."

Mel went back behind the bar. The woman dressed in a suit–Sable, was it?–raised an eyebrow at him. "Found another one, huh?"

"He wouldn't be here otherwise," Mel said, filling her glass without looking at her.

"You know what I mean."

"Hush or I'll make you pay your tab."

The whole group laughed. Even Mel smiled, so whatever he was teased about, it wasn't bothering him. He glanced over at Krux, who averted his eyes and pretended to be staring at the counter.

Soon enough, Mel returned. "This one isn't as sweet, either," he said, handing Krux the new drink. "I'll take your old one, if you don't mind."

"Go ahead." Krux took a long drink. It was certainly more to his tastes. "So you knew Donny. Do you know…"

He paused. "I know plenty of people," Mel said when Krux didn't continue. "Ask and I'll see what answer I can give you."

Krux nodded. "Do you know anyone named Acronix?"

Mel hummed to himself. "Can't say I do, no. You sure that's what they go by?"


"I mean, Donny took the name late in life. When was the last time you saw this person?"

"We were…" They knew each other in the womb and were ripped apart so soon afterwards. Krux looked away. "We were family," he said. "I know he might use a different name, but I don't have anything else to go by. I've been searching for so long, Mel."

His voice shook. Krux took a breath and tried to collect himself. "I will find him," he said firmly. "Even if it takes a lifetime."

Mel placed his hand over Krux's own. The sensation was warm and pleasant. "This is someone important to you, huh," he said.

"Is it not obvious?"

"I told you," Mel said, "I know a lot of people. Plenty of them have secrets they can't talk to anyone else about." He gave Krux's hand a gentle squeeze. "I'm not gonna ask you to trust me so soon, but I know how it feels, Sander."

Krux met his eyes and managed a smile. "Thank you," he said.

His eyes filled up with tears. Krux quickly turned away. "Dammit," he muttered, wiping his eyes and smearing the makeup he used for his disguise. "Dammit! I shouldn't be…"

"Hey, hey, it's alright." Mel stood up. "You want to step in back for a minute?"

"Please," said Krux. "The less humiliation, the better."

"Sure. Give me a sec, okay?"

Mel went to Sable and whispered something Krux couldn't hear. Whatever it was, Sable nodded, and Mel came back to help Krux up; at this point, the tears were falling freely, and it was all Krux could do not to let anyone hear him.

He let himself go when Mel sat them both down on the couch. "You're alright," Mel said softly while Krux sobbed. "Just let it out."

"This is ridiculous," Krux choked out. "I barely know you."

"We've got something in common, don't we?" He put a hand on Krux's back and moved it in slow circles. "I told you, I know how hard it is. I've got family I'm never going to see again, y'know?"

Krux shook his head. "I have to see him," he said. "I can't–I can't not know him. I want to know him, and I want him to know me, too."

He hadn't been this close to someone in… longer than he could remember. Maybe at some other bar, going out for drinks with the other Elemental Masters until he was no longer invited. When was the last time someone touched him in such a gentle, caring way? When had he ever allowed someone to?

Mel moved his head closer and pressed his lips just below Krux's ear.

Krux froze. "What was that?" he said.

"Ah, sorry." Mel pulled away. "Not the time, huh?"

"No, I–" The words tripped over each other in his haste to get them out. "What was that?" he repeated. "What is this?"

"Hey, I get it if you're not ready."

Krux pinched the bridge of his nose. "You're not answering my questions," he said. "What's going on? Who are you people?"

Mel inhaled sharply and took his hand away. "You said you knew Donny," he said. "How exactly did you know him?"

"Libber introduced us. I met him only once."

"So you didn't–" Mel shook his head. "Sander, why are you here?"

"Donny knew Acronix," Krux said. "I thought you would know Acronix, too. I've exhausted every other lead, I've been to Serpentine territory, I've asked everyone in this town and in Libber's village–"

"You thought so just because we knew Donny?" Mel said incredulously. "And all the secrecy went right over your damn head?"

Krux stood up and whirled around, his face damp with tears. "I thought you had reason to be secret!" he said. "Acronix was a secret from me, after all! I'm thirty years old and I don't know my own twin brother!"

Mel took a deep breath, in and out. Krux clenched his fists and opened his mouth, but Mel held up a hand to stop him. "Give me a minute," he said. "Look, you're more upset than I am, and I don't want to get mad… we've just had a misunderstanding."

"Clearly," Krux said. He closed his mouth, though, and waited for Mel to speak.

When he did, Mel's voice was calm and collected. "You're a twin," he said carefully, "and you thought we were twins, too, or at least sympathetic. Is that right?"

"Close enough," said Krux.

Mel nodded. "I invited you here because I'm a gay man," he said, "and I thought you were, too."

Krux blinked. "You thought I liked men?"

"Well, yeah. You knew Donny, right? He also liked men."

"I assumed that was because…" Krux mentally flailed for words. "…he could get pregnant."

Mel sighed. "I think it's best if you leave," he said. "I'm not gonna tell anyone you're a twin, and you're not gonna tell anyone I'm gay. Don't say a word of this to anyone else."

Krux steeled himself. "Of course. This never happened."

He moved to go back to the bar, but Mel coughed. "There's a back door. Might be better."

"Fine," he said. "Where is it?"

Mel led him down a narrow hallway to the exit. Krux nodded at him and pushed it open, ready to get this miserable experience over with.

"I hope you find your brother."

Krux went stiff. Mel cleared his throat. "I told you," he said, "I know how it feels. Sure, it's a different kind of secret… but I feel for you, Sander. I really do."

He could still feel a pleasant tingle where Mel's lips had been. "Thank you," Krux said, and he left.

Wu called Krux into the kitchen a few days later. "Aspheera sent a message," he said. "I think it's good news."

"Really," Krux said. "How so?"

"There's a history of Serpentine adopting human twins. It's possible Acronix was brought to them."

It took a moment for the information to sink in. "It's possible," Krux repeated. "Did she find him?"

"No. Human children were kept fairly secret, and not all of them survived." Wu looked down at the letter he held. "She says she can't promise anything, and she's found no evidence of anyone named Acronix… but she hasn't found a lack of evidence, either. I will say, the name wouldn't be out of place in Serpentine society."

"That's…" Krux's head spun. "That is good news," he said. "That's… you really think he was taken to the Serpentine?"

"I think there's a good chance, yes," Wu said. "It would make sense. We haven't found anything searching in human lands, after all."

Krux nodded. "Thank you, Wu," he said. "I… this means… God, I can't even begin."

Wu put a hand on his shoulder. Krux went stiff.

"I can't imagine life without my brother," Wu said. "I'm sorry you had to go through life without yours."

Emotion overwhelmed him. Krux pulled away and nearly ran back to his room.

Alone, he sat on the bed and put a hand on his cheek, running his fingers across the skin below his ear.

His thoughts drifted to Mel.

Wu was kind to him, certainly, but Wu had not held him as he cried. Krux's shoulders shook. He pictured Mel's arms around him, imagined what it would feel like to hold him back, to touch him, to–

His breath caught in his throat.

Later, Wu knocked on his door for dinner. Krux pressed a pillow over his head and waited until he was left alone.

He did go back to the bar, to offer a mumbled apology to Mel. "It's fine," Mel said with half a smile. "Just a misunderstanding. I don't know you well, but I know enough to trust you."

"As I trust you," Krux said in response. He paid for a drink and ended up talking to Mel long into the afternoon–leaving, of course, before the bar closed.

The days passed. He went down to the bar often, though he couldn't always pay, and Mel would no longer give him free drinks. Still, they spend enough time talking that even if Mel only knew him as Sander Saunders, it was enough to make Krux feel as if he had a friend.

The weeks passed. Wu occasionally joined Krux on his trips to the village. They no longer asked about Acronix. Krux told himself over and over that there was no point, not when his twin had been taken to the Serpentine.

The months passed. Ray and Maya did their best to raise Ling and Nya, and while it took pain and effort, soon they were able to be separated without the world ending. As they grew older, Wu pulled out old, dusty books, and the twins began their schooling.

As time dragged on, Wu kept assuring him Aspheera would have more information soon. He had no way of knowing years would pass before either of them heard from her again.

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