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Chapter Six

Ling and Nya weren't identical. Though there were many little quirks that set them apart, the most noticeable difference was their hair: Nya's was black and Ling's was, inexplicably, brown.

"I had lighter hair when I was younger," Maya said. "It might darken as she gets older."

Ray nodded and gave Ling a gentle pat on the head, making her giggle. "Did it stick up like this, too?"

"No," Maya said, smiling. "That's all her."

When the twins reached the age of two years old, Wu cut up fruit, which Maya and Ray did not allow them to eat until they determined it was safe for children their age. Wu apologized for the confusion. "It's been a long time since I've been around children this young," he said while Ray wiped juice off Nya's face. "I've… forgotten the details."

Krux frowned. "You're the younger brother, correct?"

"Yes. Garmadon is older than me by seven years."

Garmadon hadn't shown up in all the months Maya, Ray, and Krux had been staying at the monastery. Krux couldn't say he missed him. Despite Wu's assurances that Garmadon would never betray them to the emperor, Krux didn't want to take any chances.

Krux and Wu went out once or twice a week, Krux once again taking upon the Sander Saunders persona. The two of them asked around the village to see if anyone had heard of someone with strange powers, or an unusual adoption some thirty years ago, or the name Acronix. They found nothing. Krux bit back his frustration and spent long nights awake in bed, wracking his brain to come up with a connection they had missed. No, this person hadn't heard the name Acronix, but "Archie" was close, wasn't it? Maybe someone had forgotten. Maybe someone had lied. Maybe they had met Acronix, but his adopted parents had changed his name, and he didn't recognize his own twin brother.

Krux studied the faces of all the men they met who looked remotely similar to him. He did not find Acronix.

Ling and Nya grew older. They talked and laughed and chased each other around the monastery, their footsteps echoing through the empty rooms. The twins accepted the monastery as their world, all to themselves, and while Krux was certain they knew there was a world outside, they were content with exploring the courtyard and never venturing off the mountain.

One day, Krux turned thirty.

The day started like any other. Krux woke up, got dressed, and went to have breakfast. Wu occasionally would make meals for all of them, but most of the time, Krux had to fend for himself. He put together a simple meal and took it out to the courtyard to eat.

Wu followed him out. "Good morning, Krux," he said, sitting next to him with a cup of tea. "How are you?"

Krux shrugged. "Same as ever," he said. "There's nothing planned for today, is there?"

"Well, I have to get groceries. Ling and Nya are eating quite a bit!" Wu smiled and stared out at the courtyard. "I had forgotten what it's like to have children here. It's been a long time…"

"You've had children here before?"

Wu's smile vanished. "Yes," he said. "Students. A student. He's… moved on. I miss him, some days. I hope he's found what he was looking for."

Krux nodded and sipped his own tea. He had known about Wu's former student for some time now, from bits of information he pieced together over the year. It was rare for Wu to mention him outright. He would question him more, but as it was, Krux didn't actually care.

"It's been almost a year since you took us in," he said instead.

Wu nodded. "Time certainly flies. It seems like yesterday the twins were only…"

He trailed off. Krux tilted his head and stared at him. "What's wrong?"

"Someone is coming." Wu stood up. "Go inside."

He walked briskly towards the gate. Krux sat there dumbfounded for a moment before he snapped out of it.

Once inside, he went straight to Maya and Ray's room and knocked on their door. "Yes?" Ray called. "What is it?"

"We have a visitor, apparently."


Maya opened the door. She looked like she had just woken up, but her eyes were alert. "Do we have to leave?" she asked. "Who is it?"

Krux shook his head. "I'm not sure. All Wu said was to go inside. I'm assuming we stay in here until further notice. Are the twins asleep?"

Ling barreled into his leg, answering that question. "Hi, Kruck!" she shouted.

Krux flinched, glancing behind him. The monastery walls were thin, and Ling had a strong pair of lungs for a two year old. "Keep it down," he hissed.

"Okay!" Ling said at the same volume.

Krux heard the doors of the monastery open. "It's alright!" Wu's voice called. "My brother's come to visit! Krux? Are you there?"

Maya picked Ling up. "He did say he trusts Garmadon," she said. "I'm not sure if I do…"

"He knows I'm here," Krux said. "I'll see what he's like."

When he found the two brothers, Wu was busying himself in the kitchen while a young-looking man with brown hair sat at the table. He looked up and raised an eyebrow when Krux entered the room. "Huh," he said. "It's been a while, Master of Time."

Krux sighed. "How much did you tell him?" he said to Wu.

"Only that you were staying here," Wu said. "I told you, I trust him. You don't have to hide anything from him."

Garmadon laughed. "So there's more to tell? You're not usually one to keep secrets, brother."

Wu put down a bowl and glanced at Krux. He didn't respond, so Krux figured it was his choice to divulge the truth.

He shrugged and sat down across from Garmadon. "I appreciate him keeping this one," he said. "I would appreciate it if you kept it, too. Maya, Ray, and their twins have been living here for the better part of a year."

Garmadon nodded. "I see," he said. "I understand. Wu always had a kind heart, I'm not surprised he opened his home to them. Though if I may ask, why are you with them?"

"I felt it was my responsibility after I was the one to nearly execute them," Krux said. "Besides, I can't imagine the emperor is happy with me."

"He would be happier had you returned to explain yourself, ha!" Garmadon smiled. "But I can't say I agree with all the emperor's choices, either."

"Really?" Krux cracked a smile. "I'm surprised."

Garmadon turned away. "You don't know me very well, then."

Wu cleared his throat. "All the more reason to get to know each other," he said. "Krux, would you like to get Maya and Ray? I'm sorry for not warning you ahead of time, but my brother's visit caught me by surprise."

Garmadon stood up. "Do you want help cooking?"


While the brothers made themselves busy, Krux went to inform Maya and Ray they could come out. "I don't like that Wu was so free with our secrets," he said, "but there's nothing we can do about it now. I don't think Garmadon will rat us out."

"Hopefully not," Ray said, clearly unhappy.

Maya sighed. "I'll get Ling and Nya dressed," she said. "We might as well have breakfast."

Garmadon greeted Maya and Ray politely, and smiled at the twins. "I've always wanted children," he said, "but, ah… I'm not sure it'll be possible for me. Not for a while."

"Don't be so pessimistic," Wu said. "I'm sure you'll be a wonderful father."

"Speaking of children, have you heard anything from Morro?"

Wu flinched. Maya and Ray exchanged a confused glance before turning back to him.

"Brother," Wu said, his voice strained, "I would rather we didn't talk about this in front of the others."

Garmadon blinked. "Sorry. I didn't…"

Wu shook his head. "Breakfast is ready," he said. "We can talk later."

Ray got Ling and Nya their own food and they all sat down to eat. It was only after a glance at the calendar that Krux realized what day it was.

He stopped eating.

Thirty years old. His twin was thirty years old, and Krux hadn't found him. He had been searching for over a year and all he had was a name. His father was dead, Ray's father was dead, even Donny, who had given him the most information out of anyone else, was dead. Perhaps Acronix, too, was dead–after all, Krux had no way of knowing.

"Are you alright?" Maya asked.

Krux opened his mouth only to bite his tongue. He stood up, catching the attention of Wu and Garmadon. "Krux?" Wu said. "Where are you going?"

"Out," Krux said, and he turned and left.

He couldn't actually go down to the village. He didn't have his disguise, and even if the emperor didn't want to execute him, Maya and Ray wouldn't be so lucky. Despite knowing this, Krux wanted to march down there and ask everyone–I'm a twin. I'm looking for my brother. He has half the elemental powers of time, please, help me find him.

Krux snorted. Like that would end well. He went to the gates and kicked a stone down the mountain, watching it tumble into the clouds below.

Footsteps behind him. "Krux," Garmadon said.

"Garmadon," he said in return. "Why are you here?"

Garmadon moved beside him. "I don't know much about you," he said. "I can tell you have secrets of your own. That's fine. I'm not going to force them out of you."

Krux turned to him and raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue.

"But I believe the master I train under can help you." Garmadon smiled. "Master Chen is not happy with the emperor's rule, either, and he's not nearly as superstitious. If you want me to take a message to him, I will."

Krux didn't know what to think for a moment. He should keep the number of people who knew he was a twin to a minimum. Already, there was Libber, Wu… who was Master Chen, and what would he do with the information?

The words spilled out.

"I'm looking for my brother," Krux said. "All I know is that he was named Acronix, and he inherited half the elemental power of time. If Master Chen knows anything that can help me…"

Garmadon nodded. "I understand," he said. "I wish you luck, Krux."

"He's thirty years old today!" Krux called after him as Garmadon started down the stairs. Garmadon raised a hand to signal he heard him, but didn't stop.

Eventually, Krux went back inside. Wu was disappointed Garmadon had left without so much as a goodbye, but shrugged it off. "He'll come back," he said. "He always does."

Krux wondered what it would be like to trust someone that much. To have someone, family, who would always be there, even if not physically.

That night, Wu approached Krux while Maya and Ray were putting the twins to bed. "Would you like to go down to the village in the morning?" he asked. "I know Garmadon's visit disrupted our routine, but…"

"No thank you," Krux said. "I think we've done all we can to find my twin."

Wu tilted his head. "You're not giving up, are you?"

"No!" Krux snapped. "But I don't want to keep doing the same things with nothing to show. We've gotten all the information we can out of the village. I don't know what to do next."

A strange expression crossed Wu's face before he smiled. "Then we will look outside the village," he said.

Krux snorted. "As if it's that simple."

"Oh, it very well could be." Wu turned away. "We will leave tomorrow. It won't take too long to get there. I will notify my friend of our visit. Goodnight, Krux."

He disappeared into his room. Krux stared at him. "Don't get a chance to refuse, do I?" he muttered, then shook his head and prepared for the night.

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