About the Team

Hello, and welcome to the unofficial homepage for Team Magma, run by one of the grunts. After the inclement weather incident, Team Magma has shifted our focus to researching eco-friendly methods to better the lives of humans and pokémon alike, with the support of the Hoenn Pokémon League.

About the Site

I made this because the official homepage hasn't been updated since right after the inclement weather incident and is full of broken links, and because I wanted to show people that hey, we aren't bad guys here. Team Magma has always wanted to improve the quality of life for people in Hoenn, we just used some inadvisable methods to do so. Now we work with the Pokémon League and even Team Aqua to continue our mission without disrupting the lives of the people of Hoenn.

About the Webmaster

I'm staying anonymous because I did not ask permission to do this and I don't want the site to be taken down or, worse, get yelled at by Admin Tabitha.