Play/Read/Watch Club

Hello! This is the page for my "book" club, or the Play/Read/Watch Club, starting in January 2025. The goal is to play a game, read a book, and watch a movie or show every month, write my opinions of them (with more detail than, say, my movie log), and open up comments for discussion with my site's visitors!

Each of the three works per month will have their own pages, so if you're only interested in what I'm playing and not what I'm reading or watching, you don't have to look at the other pages. These pages will only be put up once I'm finished playing/reading/watching the work–which I'll aim for the 15th of the month, but who knows–so stay tuned for those closer to the middle of the month. And feel free to play/read/watch these with me!

January 2025

Playing: Umineko no Naku Koro Ni

Reading: House of Leaves

Watching: Crazy Ex Girlfriend

For this month, I'd like to start working on my metafiction quest, an informal quest to play/read/watch a variety of metafictional works. You can find more information on My Metafiction Quest page, but, in short, all three of these are works of metafiction!

I've heard very good things about Umineko from friends, so I'm excited for that one. House of Leaves I technically read when I was like, twelve, but a lot of it went way over my head, so it's time for a reread. Crazy Ex Girlfriend I've also heard is good, and I've been meaning to watch it for years now.

Come back later to read what I think of these works!