Reality and Rebirth

If you find an error on the website, use the contact page to report it; this is to clearly state what counts as an error, since I'm also running an ARG on the website.

Okay, what's an error?

Broken links and broken images are both errors, and are unrelated to the ARG. Broken links may especially be common after the restructuring of the website, so keep an eye out for those.

The ARG contains many links that do not appear to be links. If you click on a word and it takes you somewhere else unexpectedly, this is the intended function of the website. What is an error is if you find a "codeword" in the ARG on another page of the website, click on it, and it does not take you somewhere else. Every instance of a codeword is supposed to be a link. Please report any that are not functioning in this manner.

Inaccurate information, when not part of a work of fiction, is also an error. If you're reading one of my informative articles and you find information you know is inaccurate, please report it! I never want to give people inaccurate information, but sometimes I am mistaken, or have been given inaccurate info myself.

Thank you for caring about my website, and have a good day!