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Lego Characters

Lego Ninjago

Aermaar, they/them

Prince Aermaar is a next gen kid in the Coinverse AU; the child of Benthomaar, Cambreen, and Morro. They exist long after the events of the AU, once Benthomaar has inherited the throne of Merlopia and is married to Morro Sky Borg.

Amaru, they/them

Amaru is a teen who is training under Master Lloyd in the future to learn how to use the abilities being half-serpentine (Venomari) gives them. They lived underground with the other serpentine for most of their childhood, and only went to Ninjago City recently. Shy and anxious, they're only really comfortable around Lloyd and his other students. They train alongside Lloyd's fellow students, Keahi, Lana, and Takara. They appear to be very close to Lana especially, and she helps them gain confidence and believe in themself more.

Andrea, they/them, x/x's, or gearself

Andrea is the most recent Elemental Master of Time, having been granted the powers of the timeblades (except for reverse) saving Acronix and Krux from the Iron Doom after it crashed. They are dating Acronix. They are descended from lost royalty that once lived in the city of Questzal, which is a hidden oasis in the Sea of Sand. Andrea has no knowledge of this, and lives in Ninjago City.

Andromeda, they/them

Andromeda is the child of Kai and Zane in a next-gen AU. They were born in Prime Empire with the help of Unagami, who gave Kai and Zane as close to a biological child as possible. They inherited the element of fire.

Aoi Walker, he/him

Aoi is the son of Cole, Jay, Nya, and Seliel in a next-gen AU, his biological parents being Jay and Nya. He is the middle child, and his two sisters are Delilah, younger, and Venus, older. He inherited the element of lightning.

Artesh, he/him

Artesh is one of King Trimaar's many lovers. He loves picking fights, which Trimaar finds charming, and everyone else thinks is going to get him killed one day. His relationship with Trimaar is the only reason he's not in prison.

Axel, he/him

Axel is a businessman who often hires Meri to steal product and information from Borg Industries. He's apparently on Borg Industries' board of directors? Huh, wonder what he's up to.

Aysu, she/her

Aysu was a previous Master of Water two hundred years ago, and the ancestor of Nya. Delara was her younger sister.

Basil, they/them

Basil is your average early 20s person living in Ninjago City. Their close friends are Eve, Hopper, and Rudy. They once scored an Artist's Alley table at a pop culture convention, and they have a seasonal job working at a campground.

Becky, she/her

Becky is Cyrus Borg's personal assistant, and she and her employer are friendly with each other. He's the best boss she's ever had. In some AUs, Becky lives in Borg Tower after her apartment was destroyed during the Sons of Garmadon/Hunted seasons. Bits works beneath her.

Bits, he/him

Once a security guard, Bits is a nindroid who changed careers after a traumatic experience. He now works with Becky as her assistant.

Blight, none or emoji pronouns [🌼/🌼's]

Blight is a ghost and a gardener. Blight remembers very little of 🌼's previous life, having been a ghost for a very long time. Blight was never in the Cursed Realm, and it is unknown how 🌼 ended up as a ghost, but Blight isn't causing any harm.

Cambreen, they/them

Cambreen is a Merlopian, the same species as Benthomaar, and one of his lovers after Benthomaar is crowned king. While Cambreen is not Benthomaar's spouse, they became pregnant with his child, and the two of them raise Aermaar alongside Benthomaar's husband, Morro.

Caspian, he/him

Caspian is Jayden's twin, Logan's younger brother, and the son of Ronin and Laudine. He is bi and autistic with a special interest in entomology.

Celia, she/her

Celia lived in a village at the base of the monastery long ago, running a tea shop. She has fond memories of Wu coming to visit and buy tea from her with his son, Morro.

Chares, he/him

Chares was a renowned warrior in Ninjago's army, and he married Equinox, a former Master of Time. He is the father of Krux and Acronix. In the canon timeline, he died young, and Equinox raised their children on their own. In other timelines, he is the sole parent, and he is not kind to his children.

Delilah, she/her

Delilah is the daughter of Cole, Jay, Nya, and Seliel in a next-gen AU, her biological parents being Jay and Nya. She is the youngest sister of Aoi, the middle child, and Venus, the eldest child. She inherited the element of water.

Doe, they/them

Doe lives in Ninjago City and is the Master of Luck, however, they aren't open about the fact, and they use their powers to be as average as possible. The Luck family used to be very wealthy, but Doe's grandfather dabbled in bad luck, and subsequently lost all their wealth. Ever since then, the Luck family has kept out of the public eye.

Donny, he/him

Donny is the former Master of Lightning; Libber's father and Jay's grandfather. He is a trans man and was the one to give birth to his daughter. In most AUs, he dies before meeting Jay, but in AUs where he survives longer, he adores his grandson. As an out trans man and an elemental master, Donny was an important person in the Ninjago queer community, to the point that saying you knew Donny was a signal to other queer people that you were one of them.

Draykon, she/her

Draykon is a serpentine (Constrictai) who fought in the Serpentine War. She was known and feared for her ability to breathe fire, which she claimed gave the human Master of Fire a run for his money. She worked with Master Chen and the Anacondrai, and was the only Constrictai to do so.

Dulsi, she/her

Dulsi was a former leader of the Venomari tribe, who died in the Serpentine War.

Eleanor "Nellie" Borg, she/her

Nellie is the daughter of Cyrus Borg and Peregrine Dyer in a next-gen AU I have done nothing to develop.

Equinox, she/her

Equinox was the previous Master of Time, and the mother of Krux and Acronix. She married Chares at a somewhat young age. In most of my AUs, she raises the time twins on her own after her husband dies, and is killed at the beginning of the Serpentine War. In others, she dies mysteriously in childbirth.

Eve, she/her

Eve is a normal young adult living in Ninjago City. Her friends are Basil, Hopper, and Rudy, and they joke that she's somehow the most evil of the quartet, despite being a soft-spoken and unconfrontational person.

Felix Borg, they/them

Felix is the child of Cyrus, Acronix, Dareth, and Karlof, along with their twin, Kira, and the next Master of Metal.

Florence, she/her

Florence works at a forested camp near Ninjago City, with cabins, a communal eating hall, and plenty of trails to walk on. She tells the campers to call her Flo. Tyler is one of her employees.

Frannie, she/her

Frannie owns an all-day breakfast place in Ninjago City. She's on good terms with Dareth, who owns the bar near her.

Garnett, she/her

Genesis, he/him

Geno, he/him

Glim, he/him

Gloria, she/her

Hopper, they/them

Jayden, he/him

Kalliope, she/her

Karina, she/her

Katya, she/her

Keahi, she/her or they/them

Kira Borg, they/them

Kira is the child of Cyrus, Acronix, Dareth, and Karlof, along with their twin, Felix, and the next Master of Time.

Klara, she/her

Kob, they/them

Kristina, she/her

Kun, he/him

Kyouko, she/her

Lana, she/her

Lark, she/her

Laudine, she/her

Linus, they/them

Logan, any pronouns

Lydia Irene Dragon, she/her

Macoun, he/him

Medus, she/her

Mel, he/him

Missy, she/her

Momo, he/him

Myron, he/him

Nova, she/her

Peregrine "Meri" Dyer, they/them (primary), she/her (secondary)

Meri is a thief who lives in Ninjago City and has a relationship with Cyrus Borg, among others we don't need to mention. They have a page detailing their existence in multiple universes; read more about Meri here.

Primus, he/him

Rhys, he/him

Rosenda, she/her

Rudy, he/him

Rudy is a trans man in his early 20s living in Ninjago City. His close friends are Basil, Eve, and Hopper, and he spents a lot of time chatting in their shared group chat.

Ryme, she/her

Ryou, he/him

Sable, she/her

Salome, she/her

Soren, he/him

Takara, she/her

Terra, she/her

Tesser, she/her

Tezrus, he/him

Toyesh, he/him

Tyler, she/her

Ventus, she/her

Venus Noman, she/her

Willow, she/her

Zant, they/them

Zombie, x/x's