Reality and Rebirth

blah blah

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Summary: Krux had no reason to believe he was a twin. Twins brought doom and destruction to the realm—if he had been a twin, surely he would've been killed as a baby, just as he was called to kill the twins of Maya and Ray. But when the truth is revealed, Krux drops everything to join with Maya, Ray, and their twin children, and search for his missing sibling. Warnings for violence & character death.

Start Here | Chapter Index | Latest Update (Chapter Twenty-Three)


Summary: Nya is happy living with her brother in their village; Kai earns enough at the blacksmith shop for a decent life, and Nya sneaks out at night as Samurai X, defending the area from those who would do harm. When she's asked to give up that title to train with a man called Master Wu, Nya rejects this responsibility, and encounters a young man named Morro–who has his own history with Wu. Nya agrees to accompany him, unaware that every step she takes brings her closer to a irrevocable choice: will she be Samurai X, or the Water Ninja? Warnings for violence & character death.

drinking from the river

Summary: Morro has a life now. He has a father, a sister, friends, a family. He won't let the Hands of Time take that away. And yet, his past encroaches on his present, the future is uncertain, and his former teacher attempts to make amends. Ninjago Season 7 in the Coinverse AU. Warnings for suicide ideation.

If you play as a girl in video games, have a fascination with feminine clothing, and "wish you were a girl", I have some news for you: Researchers Discover Two Thousand Year Old Serpentine In Ninjago

Summary: Thanks to a favor owed by the chairman, Acronix and Krux are released from prison on the condition that they remain in good standing with the Explorer's Club. When one of their explorations leads to releasing an ancient serpentine from her tomb, Acronix can't help but feel sympathy for Aspheera, as another soul in an unfamiliar future.

Wojira is Dreaming: Morrotober 2022


Bucket List

Summary: After finding Morro still in Ninjago, long after the Day of the Departed, Kai makes a deal with him: he'll allow Morro to possess him for two weeks, and borrow his body to do all the things the dead teenager didn't get to do when he was alive. Along the way, Kai finds out some unsettling things about his missing teacher, and that he and Morro have more in common than they'd like to admit. Themes of depression and mental health issues.


Summary: After being plagued by dreams of another life, she's going to find out who Dilara was, no matter what it takes.


Summary: Dareth foils a kidnapping attempt and develops an unlikely bond with Cyrus Borg, except now the Sons of Garmadon have them both in their sights. An AU of seasons 8–9 featuring Coppershipping (Cyrus/Dareth). Warnings for violence and character death.

forgetting the coin for the ferryman

Summary: Morro, newly resurrected, can't stay with the ninja. So Wu calls Cyrus Borg to take him in. History repeats, the Cursed Realm calls, and Lloyd’s attempt to give Morro a second chance has far more consequences than anyone imagined. Warnings for suicide ideation; additional warnings before each chapter. The first story in the Coinverse AU.


Bright Future


Fishing for Trouble

Getting the Gig

Marks in the Dirt

Master of Fauna

Meri and Cyrus

Of Time and the Healing of Wounds

Pause Button



Snow Day

Students, Enemies, Friends

Swamp Creature

Ten Years, Ten Realities

The Weekend Getaway
