The Chairman Rose Page

Hi! I like Chairman Rose from Pokémon Sword and Shield. I like him a lot. This is a page to share the joy I get from thinking about him and developing new situations to put him in.

Contents: Why I Like Rose, Romantic Relationships.

Why I Like Rose

Chairman Rose is everything to me. I'm his right hand arm man. I'm his everything. His confidante. His best friend. I want to see him stripped of his power and influence and have to put himself back together piece by piece. If you leave me and him alone in a room for too long I will emerge dazed and disoriented covered in blood that is not my own, but inside, surrounded by a gory horror movie mess, Rose is completely fine: uninjured, fully clothed, somewhat bewildered, and pregnant.

I will be upfront: fictional characters who are in positions of power and have a hubris problem are My Type. Oftentimes they are rich CEOs, but this is not universal, it's just the most common occurrence of the kind of character personality I like. So, yeah; Chairman Rose, as the most powerful man in Galar, who resurrects a giant apocalypse dragon from space because 1000 years of reliable energy just isn't good enough, is very much my type.

The nature of my attraction to these characters centers around finding the ego that results in that sort of hubris really hot and also wanting to see them get knocked down a peg. I will joke that my "kink" is billionaire CEOs having sympathy for the working class. If their canon stories do not give me the chance to see this happen, I invent one; this is essentially why my fanfic, Onkalo Heart, was written. Chairman Rose loses the position of power he once had, and with most of his bridges burnt, he has to rely on no one but himself–and he finds himself lacking.

And, aside from my attraction to him, Chairman Rose is a very interesting character to me. For one, he is extremely obviously a reference to the anime Revolutionary Girl Utena, including being literally named rose, and while the specific character his design evokes is not one I particularly like, it's clear that it's not a one-to-one comparison. Rose is charming and charismatic, and he is trying to do good things, but, as the most powerful man in Galar, he doesn't always grasp the emotional weight his actions have on others. Lying to everyone about what he plans to do with Eternatus was fine, they would all be facing prison sentences with him if he didn't! Why do they all feel hurt and betrayed?

The main plot of Sword and Shield revolves around the gravitational pull of Rose's hubris, and he ends up hurting a lot of the people caught in orbit. I enjoy thinking about scenarios where he recognizes his wrongs and tries to better himself. That about sums it up!

Romantic Relationships

It is not a secret that I love shipping; figuring out a situation to put characters in that would result in them meeting, bonding, and falling in love is a delight to me. So I have a couple different romances for Chairman Rose, both with canon characters and my own OCs.

Oleana! In canon, Oleana works very closely with Rose, as vice president of Macro Cosmos, and also works as his secretary. She is a brilliant woman who invented the Dynamax bands that give Rose's pokémon league its hook. She usually keeps herself composed with a neutral expression at all times, but has been shown to have a temper. I like the two of them as a romantic pair! I headcanon that she is, in fact, in love with him during the events of the games, but after the whole situation with Eternatus, she feels betrayed and needs some time apart. Rose tries to repair their relationship as best as he can from prison, and, with patience, succeeds.

Maxie! While they don't interact in their own games, I've heard Chairman Rose and Magma Leader Maxie have some conversations in that official Pokémon gacha app? But I don't play that so this is all speculation. I imagine a scenario in which Rose, after the events of Sword and Shield, goes to Hoenn or otherwise meets Maxie, who has also dealt with the consequences of awakening a legendary pokémon that almost caused region-wide catastrophe. Maxie helps him cope, they bond, and eventually kiss. Or something.

I also think Malva/Oleana is a good ship. I'm not sure if Rose survives the two of them getting together.

Malva! Another canon character he does not interact with, this would be if, after the events of X and Y, Malva had to leave Kalos and find some new deranged billionaire to torment. And by God, that's what she does. Rose isn't really sure what their relationship is, really; he knows she's playing mind games with him, but he's smart enough to play them back at her, if, admittedly, not as well. They have intense, intimate interactions while fully clothed that leave him wondering long after she's left the room if it counted as sex or not.

Giovanni! This is more of an AU thing for me, as if all these ships don't already take place in different universes. Giovanni will absolutely make Rose worse, and sometimes I find that beautiful, it's just not the dynamic I usually go for. I specifically ship them in my own take on Rainbow Rocket so I can find out who would win: the boss of a multiverse-spanning crime organization, or one (1) bisexual man's boobs.

Acacius! This is my OC, a former Galar gym leader who loses the position when he's caught using gym funds for personal use. Instead of facing the consequences and taking responsibility, Acacius gives most of his pokémon to family and goes to live in the Wild Area. This is where he meets Rose in my fanfic about the two of them, the aforementioned Onkalo Heart. The way I see it, Acacius wants to be someone who supports others, but is really bad at it, and will break under too much emotional pressure and run away. Seeing Rose trying to become a better person makes Acacius want to be better, too, and they end up dating close to the end of the fic. Rose is won over by Acacius trying to become a caring person, even if he isn't one naturally.