Dreamor's Log

September 17th, 2024

Neocities' hit counter informs me that I am within 1000 hits of 100,000. That's pretty cool! I don't know how it tracks hits.

I've been struggling with work and my various Life Obligations; good things are happening, but I am so, so scared I won't be able to handle them. What are people saying nowadays? "Do it scared?" That's what I'm trying to do. I think my life is going well, but I'm so scared and stressed it's hard to say that for sure.

I'm working on a number of small articles for the website, drifting from one to the other until they all reach completion. I think sometime soon I'll go through and spruce up some older pages, give them the same love and care I've been giving to my in-progress pages. That would be nice to accomplish.

Not much else to say here. I'll see if I can't get a new page or two up today. Hope you enjoy my website!

A screenshot of Car from the game "Garn47".

IRL Events: Work work work. I get today and tomorrow off, though.

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