Dreamor's Log

August 25th, 2024

Another entry! I'm trying to work on my ARG for the site, and it's going pretty well so far.

My job started, which is interfering with my free time, but hey, I'm getting paid. I technically had two days of work in July, but now my work is finally becoming more consistent–the store I work at opens up this week!

My writing output has not been up to my standards. I'm wondering if I should be working on different creative works, such as fuse beads or this website… but I really, really want to write. I've been kind of depressed without having a solid output of writing to look at as Proof I'm Productive.

Oh well. I think that's all I want to post about for today? Everything has just been kind of normal.

A blurry picture of a black shape that could be my cat, the Unauthorized Beast.

IRL Events: The weather is finally cooling down, just a little bit. My car still gets blazingly hot in the sun, though. My friend is mailing me a lego set that I'm excited for.

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