Dreamor's Log

August 10th, 2024

Welcome to the first entry in Dreamor's Log. Here I'll talk about general life updates and my plans for the website.

Right now, my main plan is to get the blog thing going. I don't always have an update as big as a page for the website, and I want to keep updating it more often. So a very simple blog is what I decided to go with. Might be fun to have comments here too, right?

Entries won't always be long, and might not always be interesting. I think it's worth doing to get in the habit of it. This is supposed to be a place where my loved ones can see updates on How I'm Doing, so I want to be able to update frequently. Short and sweet will probably describe the majority of the entires.

So, for today's entry: I'm doing OK! I'm sitting down for some serious work on this website, and having a good day.

A rainbow cat fuse bead sprite I made with Perler.

IRL Events: Today I saw my friend display at a local convention. It was pretty cool! There have been big, dramatic clouds in the sky for the past few days, along with on-and-off storming.

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